Saturday, September 6, 2008


In about 6 hours I'll be on a flight to the United Kingdom.  I'm studying abroad this semester at the University of Glasgow.  This means it'll be a lot harder to keep up with the MLB playoff races and the NFL, but it'll also put me right in the heart of the Old Firm.  Hopefully, I'll be able to make use of my BritRail pass to get down to EPL country as well.

What all this means, though, is that I'll probably be writing less frequently (not that I wrote all that frequently to begin with).  If I do write, expect it to be about British sports and sports anywhere else I manage to visit.  And if you know me, you know it won't just be the big-name sports and teams... I'm already looking forward to catching my first Scottish Rocks match in Kelvin Hall....

Cheers.  Thanks for reading.  If you have any suggestions on where to go, or advice on how to get tickets when I get there, please leave a comment or drop me an email (bcolbert at gmail dot com).