An excellent win by the Blue Devils last night in Chapel Hill. Here's an AP column courtesy of (quite the headline, that) and here's the ESPN postgame report with highlights.
More importantly, here's a video of the impromptu bonfire on the quad. The Chronicle details the story here, but here's basically what went down. The school had obtained a bonfire permit for Monday night, in the event that the women's team beat UNC at home (which was not even close to happening). We traditionally have bonfires for national championships or for HOME wins over UNC, so there was no permit for Wednesday night. But, because it had been so long since the last men's win over UNC, there was a lot of pent up excitement.
So the game ends and everybody rushes to the quad, where you can still see the painted circle where Monday's fire would have been. People start celebrating for the TV cameras... and there's a helicopter circling too, and we cheer for the helicopter (somebody told me the local post-game show said that "we're receiving word Duke doesn't have a permit for a bonfire tonight, but we're keeping an eye out for further developments." They were WAITING for us to do it.) After cheering gets old, everybody's just standing around complaining about the lack of a fire (very similar to the crowd this fall gathering and waiting in Wally Wade for 20 minutes before we mustered up the courage to tear down the goalposts).
Then somebody lights a Coors Light box on fire and walks it through the crowd.
Then somebody starts a fire with a stack of newspaper. Then a group of about thirty people place the Few Quad bench on top of the little fire and it starts to become a big fire.
I saw two standing nearby, a Durham cop and a Duke cop, and the Durham cop made a motion to yell at the students, but ultimately he just shook his head and muttered "stupid kids." Later, about thirty people dragged the only other "independent bench," which used to be Beta Theta Pi's bench back when they could get people to join their frat.
And then they turn the firehose on us. Here's a YouTube video that condenses the festivities into 2 minutes. Some people took to mudwrestling in response to the fire department's actions, but for the most part students lost interest and went to the parking lot to greet the players getting off the team bus. Hero worship is less destructive than arson.
It sounds like right now, The Man is only looking to bring down the ones who started this fire. Hopefully, The Man won't bring us all down, and we can do it up right on March 8th after round two, on our court. Larry Moneta makes it sound like that party is still a go.
GTHC! Let's Go Duke!
More importantly, here's a video of the impromptu bonfire on the quad. The Chronicle details the story here, but here's basically what went down. The school had obtained a bonfire permit for Monday night, in the event that the women's team beat UNC at home (which was not even close to happening). We traditionally have bonfires for national championships or for HOME wins over UNC, so there was no permit for Wednesday night. But, because it had been so long since the last men's win over UNC, there was a lot of pent up excitement.
So the game ends and everybody rushes to the quad, where you can still see the painted circle where Monday's fire would have been. People start celebrating for the TV cameras... and there's a helicopter circling too, and we cheer for the helicopter (somebody told me the local post-game show said that "we're receiving word Duke doesn't have a permit for a bonfire tonight, but we're keeping an eye out for further developments." They were WAITING for us to do it.) After cheering gets old, everybody's just standing around complaining about the lack of a fire (very similar to the crowd this fall gathering and waiting in Wally Wade for 20 minutes before we mustered up the courage to tear down the goalposts).
Then somebody lights a Coors Light box on fire and walks it through the crowd.
I saw two standing nearby, a Durham cop and a Duke cop, and the Durham cop made a motion to yell at the students, but ultimately he just shook his head and muttered "stupid kids." Later, about thirty people dragged the only other "independent bench," which used to be Beta Theta Pi's bench back when they could get people to join their frat.
And then they turn the firehose on us. Here's a YouTube video that condenses the festivities into 2 minutes. Some people took to mudwrestling in response to the fire department's actions, but for the most part students lost interest and went to the parking lot to greet the players getting off the team bus. Hero worship is less destructive than arson.
It sounds like right now, The Man is only looking to bring down the ones who started this fire. Hopefully, The Man won't bring us all down, and we can do it up right on March 8th after round two, on our court. Larry Moneta makes it sound like that party is still a go.
GTHC! Let's Go Duke!